Wednesday 13 November 2013

true love never hurts

in one of the confessions page i saw this confession… really, love is a beautiful feeling <3

Gone are those days where a girl and a boy truely loved each other, irrespective of how they looked and would actually end up marrying together and live a happy life. This was during the days where people knew what love actually meant. Relationships these days? Most of them are already aware how they are but are ashamed to admit in. A normal pair of teenagers will date each other only for one sole purpose. And that's SEX! Yes, you read it right and I know that I have your attention. When a guy says to a girl that, "I love you very much dear and i'll always be on your side", it actually translates to, "I will be with you as long as I am physically satisfied. And when I get what I want, i'll go hunting for some other girl". No, don't think that guys are only like that. Girls are also equally awesome (sarcasm intended) in that matter. Some girls even go the extent of allowing their guys to sleep with other girls, right in front of their own eyes! I even know the names of such girls but I won't takethem coz of obvious reasons. But you know what? It's not your mistake. Boys and girls arestore house of testosterone and progesterone respectively. Adult hollywood/bollywood movies, pornography, sex stories etc trigger the release of these hormones in their body which makes a teenager want to explore his/her sexuality. Generally, a guy will date a girl, girl will feel that she's got true love, guy will get physical with girl, eventually will get bored and will want someone new and hence ditch her. Girl will cry for days, for months..even for years thinking that she was used. You ask that guy why you broke up with her, he'll be like, "It didn't work out ya. She was not understanding me. She hurt me many times in the past.". Truth is, this is all BS. He'll give those reasons coz he has to maintain his name in the society. Same thing can happen with a guy as well. All this is happening soo much that it's on the verge of getting normalised. Pick any random relationship, I bet you that it'll be the same thing. Why do you think that your parents throw tantrums at you when they come to know that you are in a relationship? Why do you think your parents say that there's a correct 'age' for all this? Only and only coz of all these reasons. They have more number grey hairs on their head. They've seen the world ever since you were dependent on your mother's milk for nutrition. Ever thought of that? I am in love with someone. To make sure that it wasn't lust, I tried to fap thinking about her,not once, not twice, but quite a few number of times. But it didn't happen. I don't even feellike doing so. It's like, I can actually live my whole life without even snogging her. But, alas, she's too emotionally attached to her past and she's having a very hard time getting out of it. But it's okay, i'll continue to love her. Someone once said to me. True love never hurts. You are happy if the person you love is happy. How damn right she was! I'll always be on her side during the thick and thin times! If we are meant to be together, she will come to me one day. My sincere advice to guys and girls. Please don't ever mix up sex and pleasure with love. They are poles apart. Love has a whole different meaning. For once, try to really love someone. Trust me it's a beautiful feeling.

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